Swanborough Tump
Wiltshire, England
Psychic Photography Experiment - 2


© 2000 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research

June 30th 2000
Ed Sherwood (Solo Meditation)

Above, is an example of 'Luminous Mist',
a form of 'Chi' energy, seen and photographed at the site
of an ancient sacred round mound no longer visible in the landscape.

The photograph was taken by Ed Sherwood using an automatic 35mm camera
a few minutes after arriving at the site, and approximately an hour after
completing a solo 'leyline Activation' and 'Earth Healing' visualization meditation
at a second site half a mile away.

Photo 4c is the third in a sequence of four shots showing 'luminous mist'
forming directly above several trees and the spot where the sacred site
use to be. 

*      *      *

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