The following text is extracted from a published article entitled:
'The Word Is Nine
Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997- Part One', and a forthcoming article
‘Crop Circles & Sound: A Twelve Year Investigation’ – Part Two,
by Ed Sherwood.
1995 Litchfield Crop Circle Pictogram
By Ed Sherwood
Noted biophysicist W.C. Levengood stated in “Anatomical Anomalies
in Crop Formation Plants,” that ‘Crop Circle energies affect the
of seed embryos: it appears that when these energies hit plants
prior to or during certain stages of maturation the seeds do not develop, and that when
these energies cause formations in more mature plants they may significantly enhance or increase seed growth.’ (Ref 1)
Fig. 1 The Litchfield Crop Circle Pictogram
Hampshire, UK - Discovered July 7th 1995
Steve Alexander
Illustrating ‘enhanced growth’, a handful of seeds collected by Kris
from a pictogram
that appeared near Litchfield in 1995 (Fig. 1), and planted the
following year, produced multiple
stems and seed heads off one main stem! One stem generated
four more (Fig. 2), while another created six individually
attached stems with seed heads! (Fig. 3)
They reminded me of an ancient
species of wheat I saw growing in the South of France in 1988, from
Egypt, that grows to a height
of about six feet tall, and produces seven wheat heads from one
main stem. Just think, if we knew
the specific frequencies to stimulate certain seed and plant species to
duplicate this effect (literally illustrated in a wheat field as a
non-manmade Crop Circle formation at Litchfield in 1995), higher
yields in smaller fields could perhaps feed the world, and preserve the
environment. (Ref 8)
In the
mid-1960s Mary Measures & Pearl Weinberger, of Canada’s University of
Ottowa, found that ultrasonic frequencies greatly affect the germination
and growth of plant seeds and seedlings. Recorded in the book ‘The Secret Life of Plants’; ‘their
experiments indicated,
albeit inexplicably, that the enzyme activity and respiration
rates in plants and their seeds increased when they were
stimulated by ultrasonic frequencies. Stored wheat exposed to high
frequency waves for insect control, for example, grew faster than
unexposed wheat when planted. However, the very frequencies which
stimulated some plant species inhibited others.’ (Ref 2)
What Did the
Litchfield Pictogram Symbolize?
During the spring and summer of 1994 I followed with great interest,
like Kris, any report of the Shoemaker/Levy 9 Comet and its
approaching impact with Jupiter. (In August of 1991 I found
compelling evidence that the Sun and Jupiter could be involved in
the physics of non-manmade Crop Circle creation, through an
astrophysical phenomenon known as the ‘Solar Oscillation’ or
‘Jupiter Effect’.) In 1994, as Kris reveals in detail in her
‘The Scorpius Hour of 1994’, and I
discovered in 1995, this historic event
was reflected and affirmed in the form of certain non-manmade Crop
Circle formations, including the Litchfield pictogram.
Symbolizing the impact effect of twenty one comet fragments,
represented by twenty one semi-circular arcs; the shock waves
or sound waves and resonant effect of the Shoemaker/Levy 9
Comet collision into Jupiter’s atmosphere the previous
Summer, a pictogram formed in wheat at Litchfield in Hampshire on
July 7th 1995, containing nine primary design elements: one
large undulating ‘ring’, in this case an ‘open ring’, measuring 267
in diameter, representing the point of impact (atomization),
surrounding seven thin concentric rings; and a small circle at the
center. In a series of non-manmade formations in 1994 Jupiter was
symbolized by a large wide ring, and the Comet, by descending
sized circles (Fig. 5), now within Jupiter
(Ref. 3). |
After sampling
the Litchfield pictogram W.C. Levengood reported evidence ‘of
a massive “spill over” of the radiation damage effects into
the standing normal appearing crop.’ (Ref. 4) Perhaps
this too was a sign: an invisible biophysical sign that the
Litchfield pictogram not only symbolized a massive planetary impact
event, but was also the ‘effect’ of one! |
To be continued …
Copyright March 2003 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research
All rights
‘The Word Is Nine: Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997’, Ed Sherwood,
Millennium Research, June 1998.
1) “Anatomical Anomalies in Crop Formation Plants,” Physiologia
(Vol. 92, 1994), 356-363, W.C. Levengood, BLT.
2) The Secret Life of Plants, Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird,
Allen Lane, 1974.
3) ‘The Scorpius Hour of 1994’, Kris Sherwood, Millennium
April 1997.
4) Crop Formation: Litchfield, Hampshire, UK 1995,
Research Team, Report No. 1996.
Fig.4 Copyright
Peter Sorensen
Fig.5 Copyright