Solar Image courtesy
Solar Activity Monitor:

Solar X-rays:

Geomagnetic Field:


Solar activity has been observed to be involved in the formation of atmospheric plasma, and non-manmade Crop Circle co-creation. The articles below contain information and evidence in support of this:

Crop Circle Co-Creation 2001

'Vacuum Domain' (Plasma Physics)

Deus ex Sol

Ball of Plasma

The Primary and Secondary Source of Non-manmade Crop Circle Creation

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We gratefully accept any donations to help support the dissemination of our research, including the cost of maintaining this site.

Please click daily to nurture Mother Earth: (A free two step process.)

Save the Elephants
Boycott Premarin

Click here to translate any page of this website - courtesy of Babelfish.

Join us and others worldwide for a weekly Sunday
Earth Healing and Peace Meditation

The long awaited reprinting of ‘The Nine: Briefings From Deep Space
By Stuart Holroyd (Originally published as Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth - Essential Briefings From Deep Space) is now available
from The Only Planet of Choice website.

The Word Is Nine

Stones of Wonder Equinox
and Solstice Calendar

BBC Weather Forecast
for ‘Crop Circle Country’



Click for Events

Sunday Synchronized Earth Healing Meditation

NEWS 2005

This section of contains Crop Circle and related news (with some exceptions), and links to further information, including news of Millennium Research article releases, and other ‘Breaking News’ in areas of interest.

Ed and Kris guest on The George Noory Show on November 2, 2005.

The three hour interview is available in the Past Show Archives (Coast to Coast membership required.


China Newsweek magazine interviewed the Sherwood’s for an article published in China recently about the Crop Circle phenomenon. Online and hardcopy magazine available in Chinese only.

(Click on thumbnails above to enlarge)

Good Bye to 2005                                     
Reflections on a difficult year

A Miraculous Whale Rescue
As reported in the San Francisco Chronicle and forwarded from
Barbara Wolf of

COMING... September 2, 2005

Who’, or ‘What’ has Been Creating the Worldwide Crop Circle Phenomenon?

A Talk & Slide Presentation by Ed & Kris Sherwood

We will be speaking at the 43rd annual National UFO Conference (NUFOC) in Hollywood, California, on Friday September 2nd, from 4:00 – 5:30 PM, at the Renaissance Hotel Hollywood, 1755 North Highland Ave.


August 25, 2005

Major Interview On Crop Circles
By Nick Redfern

Now posted on CCA with many images added to the interview.

July 27, 2005

We have revised and updated our CCA Sightings page with new links
to articles by Santiago Yturria, and images, documenting the multiple UFO ‘Fleet’, and Unidentified Flying Humanoid sightings witnessed and filmed in the skies over Mexico, and other populated locations outside of Mexico, in recent months.

Click links below for some of the latest news:

Image Copyright 2005  Rosario Oviedo/Courtesy Santiago Yturria

The San Luis Potosi UFO Fleet Sighting

The Mysterious Flying Humanoids

July 2005

CircleSpeak, a feature length documentary on the Crop Circle phenomenon by New Land Films. Watch the Promo

Copyright 2001 NewLand Films & Steve Alexander

Click Here to read Ed’s detailed article ‘Crop Circle Co-Creation 2001’ documenting the discreet synchronized group Earth Healing meditation he conducted and the interactive Crop Circle ‘response’ that followed, as filmed and documented in CircleSpeak.

Ohio Crop Flattening With Intricate Weave Pattern

May 24, 2005


A response from W.C. Levengood and John Burke regarding
the article by R. Ashby posted earlier this year on the X-Stream
Science web site, concerning the much-debated "H-glaze" anomaly from the Cherhill, Wiltshire, UK crop formation in 1993.

 As posted on Paul Anderson’s CCCRN News website.

Watch this space for our upcoming response to Ashby’s attempt to discredit and denigrate our reputations in the area of our luminosity photography, and our comments on the other Crop Circle related anomalies he’s recently attempted to give mundane explanations to by way of faulty logic and pseudo scientific reasoning.

March 18, 2005

Photo Copyright 2000 Ed Sherwood/Millennium Research

Major Interview On Crop Circles
By Nick Redfern

We are pleased to announce an interview by Nick Redfern,
posted on the Phenomena Magazine website, profiling our research.

March 7, 2005

Photo Copyright 1992 Maria Ward

The Word Is Nine
Crop Circle Metaphors of 1997 (Part 1)

By Ed Sherwood

This article contains many of my original investigative findings following onsite Crop Circle research in Wiltshire, Leicestershire, and Lincolnshire in England, in 1990. Referencing more than forty Crop Circle formations, the article presents an abundance of evidence linking the physics and metaphysics of Sound (‘The Word’), and ‘The Nine Principles and Forces of God’ (hence ‘The Word Is Nine’),
to non-manmade Crop Circle creation, as symbolized in the timing, placing, geometry, mathematics, numerology, design symbolism, and meaning of many pictograms since the early 1980s, including some very impressive formations in 1997.

The article also includes ‘groundbreaking’ evidence I discovered in 1990 revealing how plant and soil exposure to ‘Sonic’, and ‘Ultrasonic’ energy, and frequencies, could explain many of the documented biophysical effects found at non-manmade Crop Circle sites, verified by Dr. W.C. Levengood.

The Word Is Nine ‘Part 1’ was the first in a series of three articles (‘Parts’) written by myself in 1998 (with additional contributions by Kris Sherwood in ‘Part 2’ and ‘3’, and thus by Ed & Kris Sherwood), exploring the many connections between authentic Crop Circle creation, ‘The Nine’, and Sound. ‘Part 2’ and ‘3’ were not released publicly however following the gross plagiarism of much of its content (see below).

Further observations and discoveries intended for Part 2 and 3 will appear in our book in progress entitled ‘Crop Circles and Sound:
A Twelve Year Investigation’.

A Word About ‘Sound’ and Crop Circles
And an Egregious Case of Plagiarism!

(updated March 15, 2005) 

Click to read more.

A Crop Circle Pictogram Decoded in 1990
Reflecting the Physics and Metaphysics of ‘Sound’!

By Ed Sherwood

March 3, 2005

Victor Kean
Photo courtesy of Omar Fowler

Victor J. Kean’s Extraordinary Bible Code Discoveries

Kris’ new article dedicated to the memory of the much respected writer and UFOlogist, and the surprising information he gave to us before his passing.

February 11, 2005

Unidentified Flying ‘Humanoid’ Filmed Above Santa Monica?

Ed’s report of a sighting of ‘high strangeness’ we experienced in November, 2004


Links to Agencies Accepting Tsunami Relief Donations
From Google         From CNN

Help Animal Tsunami Victims

Will 2012 Actually Arrive Sooner Than We Think?

Kris’ recent speculation about the accuracy of this controversial date

Stone Clothing from an English Potter

From Kris’ dream notebook – intimations of reincarnation and precognition

American Crop Formations: 1880-2004 with Maps

By Jeff Wilson

NEWS 2004

NEWS 2003

NEWS 2002

NEWS 2001


Copyright © 2001-2012 Ed & Kris Sherwood
All Rights Reserved

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